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8 Ways That Yoga Must Beginner Know

Some people think that they are not the right type of person to practice yoga for various reasons, such as not being flexible or not being patient enough. This is allegedly because not many people know how to yoga that is right for beginners. Actually yoga can be done for all ages with any body character. In addition to building strength and flexibility, this exercise is also appropriate for relieving stress.

Various Yoga Techniques for Beginners

Here are some basic postures or ways of yoga that can be done for beginners.
  • Mountain Attitude (Tadasana)

  • Stand with toes touching, but heels apart. Both hands on the sides of the body. Pull both shoulders down while still keeping them back and extend the collarbone. Head straight with your back still straight. Hold this position for at least half a minute to one minute. If applied regularly, this position is useful for improving posture.
  • Downward facing (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

  • Position your body with your hands and knees touching the floor. Then lift your buttocks and knees away from the floor, but the surface of both hands and feet stick to the floor. Take a breath and open both feet with your legs still straight. Keep your back and hands straight along with your head between your hands. Hold for 1-3 minutes. This position is useful to train your back, upper body, chest, arms and legs.
  • Plank (Utihita Chaturangga Dandasana)

  • From the previous position, lower your upper body until your body is in a position like a push-up. Your palms are directly under your shoulders with your elbows straight. Face down. This position will help to form stronger arms, wrists, and abdominal muscles. Hold this posture for up to one minute.
  • Knight one (Virabhadrasana I)

  • From the mountain position, you can stretch your right leg to move away from your left foot. Position the body and legs obliquely to the right, then raise both hands up with arms at right and left ears in a straight state. The palms clasped together. Bend the right leg so that the knee is slightly in front of the ankle. Slowly bend your chest so that your back curves back, but keep your head straight. Hold for 30-60 seconds. Replace with the other side of the body. This position is useful for training the balance and lower body muscles.
  • Knight two (Virabhadrasana II)

  • Taking the same leg and body position as knight one, look right / left in the direction of your posture and spread your arms. Eyes pointing at fingers. Hold for a minimum of 30 seconds and a maximum of up to 60 seconds.
  • Trees (Vriksasana)

  • From the mountain position, you can also raise your right foot by placing your right foot on the inside side of your left thigh. Stick both palms and place them in front of the chest. Hold this position for about 30-60 seconds. After that, do the same movement with the other leg.
  • Position of the child (Child pose / Balasana)

  • Sit cross-legged on the floor with your toes meeting behind your back and thighs parallel. Both knees apart. Buttocks are above both heels. Bend your upper body forward, until your stomach meets your thighs and forehead meets the mat / floor. Place both hands on the right and left side of the body behind, next to the pelvis, with palms open. Hold this position for 30 seconds to 3 minutes to stretch your neck, pelvic and lower back muscles.
  • Corpse Position (Savasana)

  • This position is usually done at the end of yoga practice. Savasana position is done by lying relaxed with legs open and palms facing up. This position helps your body and mind relax more easily to get rid of stress. This position is considered as an important meditation at the end of the practice.
In practicing the methods of yoga above, do not force yourself, especially if you feel pain when doing certain poses. A beginner is advised to practice with the instructor. Don't forget to check yourself and inform the trainer if you experience problems with certain limbs, such as joint pain or pinched nerves. There are many types of yoga that can be tried as needed. If you want to shape your body and maintain fitness, you can choose power yoga, Bikram yoga, and Ashtanga yoga. Meanwhile, to help deal with certain medical conditions, it can be with Iyengar yoga, Kripalu yoga, or Viniyoga. However, be sure to consult a doctor first if you have health problems.
